Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thing 9: Useful Library-Related blogs and News Feeds

Which Search tool was the easiest for you?

Rather than rely heavily on Search tools, I preferred to see what others were reading. CoolCatTeacher had many useful links to other quality blogs. The Edublog Awards seemed like a no brainer for finding educational relevant blogs-this was very easy.

Which was more confusing?
Syndic8 was not appealing and appeared confusing, so I did not want to waste time maneuvering through it.

What kind of useful feeds did you find in your travels? Or what kind of unusual ones did you find?

The oddest one I came across was a "recommended" blog: bookslut. I am still mystified why people would recommend this as a good blog. It was whiny and inappropriate, but maybe I am just a square. The nicest thing I can say is "the name of the blog says it all."


  1. I like to look at other peoples' blog roles too. I feel like, if it is important enough for someone to follow that I think is important follow; it will probably be a pretty good blog! I hope that makes sense. BTW love your Clifford costume!!

  2. Egg Tray

    Egg Trays are often called filler trays and usually hold 30 eggs. Eggs are either sold uncovered in the tray or labeled and wrapped with plastic film.


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