My family celebrated a big event this week. My four year old grandson, Josiah signed up for his first library card. Of course we had to stop and take photographs and immediately send to everyone we knew. I was so disappointed in the librarian at the public library because she just shoved some papers to his mom and didn't make any fuss about it. If it had been me, I would have rang a bell and insisted everyone stop and clap for him. This, of course, is why I am a school librarian. We love to make a big deal out of our students reading successes and encourage them through their reading struggles.
Here are some of the books we check out and read and some that I bought to add to my library collection this week.

The Pigeon has decided he wants and must have a puppy so after much begging, pleading, and throwing a fit, he gets a puppy but it not quite what he expected.

Piggie is invited to a party and since Gerald knows parties he helps Piggie prepare for the best fancy, costume, pool party ever.

Josiah picked this out but it wasn't a favorite of either of ours.

Five carpenter ants wonder and worry what is outside their tree stump. What if it is a long tongue ant eating aardvark? There is only one way to find out. Drill a little hole and take a look see.

Pleasantly surprised by this title. I knew I needed a Frozen book in my library collection. There have been so many requests for one. Told in dual voice, the sisters share their admiration and affection with each other. I predict it will become the hottest check out in the library.
...and giving Frozen some serious competition in the check out line will be this adorable title.

Bright, colorful, and a favorite topic-ninjas. This book is sure to be a favorite among my students.

Blue Moon by James Ponti
I bought Blue Moon, a sequel to a very popular Texas Bluebonnet Award nominee title-Dead City by James Ponti. I look forward to reading it this week and know it will be a hot check out.
Texas Librarian Naomi Bates posted a terrific list on her blog. Check it out:
Great places to keep up with YA and Children's Books!
Happy Reading!