Sunday, January 5, 2014

My Must Read List for 2014 #IMWAYR January 6, 2014

It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme began by Sheila at Book Journeys as a way to share what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and what is in store for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading. I first learned about it at Teach Mentor Texts. 

'Tis the season to wipe the slate and start a new reading list for 2014. So many exciting titles are coming out in 2014 and so many more that I never found time to read in 2013. This is the marvelous thing about a new year-it's a fresh start and opportunities abound.

I decided to plunge into a few reading challenges and promise myself to do a better job of keeping track of all that I read and updating My Reading Life Door monthly to motivate my student readers. 

First off, I accepted Alyson Beecher's challenge at Kid Lit Frenzy to read non-fiction titles this year and blog about my progress in quarterly posts. This is easy to manage since we only need to do quarterly updates on our progress. I like it!

#MustReadin2014 Challenge

Carrie Gelson of There is a Book For That posted an Twitter invitation to join a reading challenge that she and Maria Selke from Maria’s Melange are hosting. I already have a never ending TBR pile so I decided to join in and set up a Goodreads shelf called #MustReadin2014. I really enjoy reading along with others-a perfect example of why I love host and take part in book clubs. They are a fun way to chat with other folks who enjoy talking about kids books. (Button created by Linda Baie from Teacher Dance).

My Goodreads #MustReadin2014 List
These are a few of the books that I will be reading this year for the #MustReadin2014 Challenge.
I am taking advantage of Pic Monkey to help me get today's blog post up so I can get back to bed and nurse a bad cough.


  1. Julee,

    I need to come back to this post when my eyes will stay open and poke around!! I love your pic monkey collage-did it take long? It looks so nice with those book covers like that.

    I've got to get my #MustReadin 2014 blog post written. I might just go with a few titles. :)

    And I'm in the process of creating a spreadsheet to keep up with my reading challenges for this year (which is a whole other post).

    Gosh-so much to do.....


    And I love your title of your blog with the picture of the egg!

    1. Thanks Shannon, I think the use of a spread sheet might help me too. I just found another reading challenge for audiobooks that I like too.

  2. Looks like you have a busy reading year ahead. Have fun meeting your challenges!

    1. Thanks Gigi. I look forward to chatting with you at #virtualbookclub.

  3. Wow! I'm impressed with your challenges for this year. I'm going to have to come back and look more closely to see if I want to join in. Because of being sick, I've been in a huge reading slump. This might be just what I need to pull myself out.

    1. I understand. I am home sick myself for a couple of days and I can't seem to read either. Just feel like sleeping a lot.

  4. I love the idea of these challenges. Thank you for sharing about the must read challenge. I will have to go check it out. I haven't heard of Picmonkey before, but it seems like a good way to put a collage together. Have a good reading week!

    1. Andrea, Pic Monkey is a really easy tool and you don't have to sign up for anything. Give it a try.

  5. I love the #mustreadin2014 shelf idea!
    Thanks for posting the #virtualbookclub list too - it's a goal of mine to participate this year.

    1. I hope you do join us. It's very informal and fun. We have had several authors join us for the chats. Authors are very good about connecting with teachers and librarians through Twitter. It's one of those Twitter secrets.

  6. I love your must-read list. I just finished COUNTING BY 7S today and loved it.

    1. Thanks Beth. I have a copy of Counting by 7's and look forward to our #virtualbookclub chat for it. It is also on the newest Texas Bluebonnet Award nomination list.

  7. Thanks for posting the schedule for Virtual Book Chat! I am DETERMINED to participate this year! A couple of books on my #MustReadin2014 list are on it. I am hoping to create a reading wall outside my office, though I often have good intentions for these things and don't exactly follow through. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. I look forward to having you join us. My Reading Life door is one of the best motivators to get kids reading. They really are interested in what their teachers are reading and pleased to be able to share opinions when they know it is not for a grade.

  8. What a great list you have here Julee! I would definitely add this to my reading list as well. Thank you for posting the books for the virtual book chat too. I know it happens on twitter, which I still find quite difficult to navigate, but it's still good to know and take a peek at the ongoing conversations. :)

    1. Myra, my best educator advice is stick with Twitter. It is by far the best daily Professional Development available. So many people with the same interests offering new ideas, thoughts, opinions in a very supportive environment. Follow the authors, illustrators, publishers you like. Look to see who the people you like are following and take it from there.
      I will be happy to help you. Find me here @JuleeMurphy

  9. I am excited to be part of some of these challenges with you- #MustReadin2014 and Alyson's NFPB challenge. I have already read quite a few nonfiction titles this year! So many great ones. We share many of the same Must Read titles - it will be wonderful to be able to discuss/compare reactions. Take care of yourself!

    1. Thanks Carrie, you are definitely one of my favorite Twitter peeps. Thanks for your challenge.

  10. Love your must read list! Flora & Ulysses is one of my favorites of 2013!

    1. I have a copy and look forward to diving in. I am sure it is terrific.


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