Picture Book Month
Day 16 theme: Fractured Tales
Help! I've Fractured my Fairy tale
Help! I've Fractured my Fairy tale
Jon Sciezka might be the King of Fractured Tales but Helen Ketteman is most certainly the Queen of Texas Twisted Tales. She has written some of the most humorous and fun picture books around. Visit Helen Ketteman's website to SAMPLE her books. Included in this post are some additional fractured tales. I think you will enjoy these whimsical tales.
Armadilly Chili is my all time favorite fractured fairy tale or twisted fairy tale as they are sometimes called. Down here in Texas I don't let the month of March pass without celebrating Texas Public Schools Week and reading this twisted tale of The Little Red Hen to my library classes. Kids look forward to this story all year. Just remember..."no workin' with Billie, no sharing the chili!
Armadilly Chili
Author: Helen Ketteman
Illustrator: Will Terry
A blue norther's a-blowing', and Miss Billie Armadilly is hankering to make a pot of chili! Only she needs to fix it all by herself because Tex the tarantula, Mackie the bluebird, and Taffy the horned toad are too busy to lend a hand.
Waynetta and the Cornstalk
Author: Helen Ketteman
Illustrator: Diane Greenseid
“Once a whip of a girl named Waynetta lived with her Ma on a ranch in the poorest, scrubbiest part of Texas. They worked hard as eight-legged mules, but barely scraped by. One summer, a long dry spell hit. Their well bottomed out, the pond turned to dust, and the pastures dried up. Their longhorns got so thin it took three of them standing together to cast a shadow, and Waynetta and her Ma were forced to sell them off until only one longhorn was left. Finally, Waynetta’s Ma gave up all together. “We’ve run out of money to buy feed, Waynetta. You best sell that last critter ‘fore it starves.”
Bubba The Cowboy Prince
Author: Helen Ketteman
Illustrator: James Warhola
Bubba's left at home while his wicked stepdaddy and two stepbrothers go off to court the rich ranch owner, Miz Lurleen, at her cowboy ball. Who better to raise Bubba's spirits than his very own fairy "godcow."
Bigfoot Cinderrrrella
Author: Tony Johnston
Illustrated by James Warhola
It's time for the annual fun-fest, and this year the Bigfoot prince is ready to choose his bride. He hopes she will be just like him -- a big, hairy, odoriferous nature lover. Rrrrrella, who lives in the prince's forest, is a perfect match, but can she get past her nasty stepsisters and reach the fun-fest in time to win the prince's heart?

The Three Little Javelinas
Author: Susan Lowell
Illustrator: Jim Harris
Everyone knows the story of the three little pigs, but now you're going to meet the three little javelinas (pronounced ha-ve-LEE-nas)-loveable, wild, southwestern cousins of pigs. Living in homes built out of tumbleweeds and saguaro ribs (from the fallen giant cacti), the first two javelinas are soon running from the hungry coyote, who had hoped to eat them with red chile sauce. And where do they go for shelter? Why, to their wise sister's house, made strong with adobe bricks. This clever and humorous tale is sure to delight children of all ages, especially those familiar with the Southwest. Dressed in cowboy duds and prepared for life in the rugged desert, these characters are more than any coyote bargained for.
Fractured Fairy Tales Activities:
What is a fractured fairy tale? Student Interactive lesson at Read Think Write
Scholastic presents Jon Sciezka's Fractured Tales
Folk Tales, Folklore, and other Folksy Stuff
A well rounded collection of fairy tales and fractured fairy tale books.
Big Foot Cinderrrrrella Reader's Theatre
Helen Ketteman Printables
The Three Little Javelinas lesson plan
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