Seven Scary Monsters
There Was An Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything
Getting in the Spirit of Halloween with Great Books for kids.
Let's get in the spirit first with some singing Jack-O-Lanterns

Seven Scary Monsters by Mary Beth Lundgren
Get a sneak preview of many pages.
Seven Scary Monsters is a fun themed story-time read aloud.
A young boy discovers seven scary monsters hiding in his room so he goes on the attack to be rid of them using purple felines, monster blasters, vacuums, boxes, and other clever devices. He uses a fun rhyming chant to scare the monsters away "Rick Rack Wrinkleshack, don't you dare come back!"
Seven Scary Monsters is a fun themed story-time read aloud.
Math concept: simple subtraction
Language concepts: onomatopoeia words
Halloween themed math lesson
Large number 7
· Seven scary yet goofy colorful monsters-individually cut
out and affixed with Velcro or strong tape on back.
· Two-sided sign attached to a flat paint stick
sign: “Rick! Rack! Wrinkleshack! Don’t You Dare Come Back”
· 2nd sign: “Rick! /Rack!
Wrinkleshack! Monsters, please come back!”
Onomatopoeia words: Eeeek! Boom! Rip!
Thwomp! Splat! Zap! Yow! Plop! Ouch! Wow!
Pre-book talk
Pre-book talk
One at a time hold up and sound out the onomatopoeia words. Onomatopoeia are words that sound like the objects they name or the sounds those objects make.
Sound and acting them out each word. Read the word "rip" and then tell students to please listen for a sound you will make. Take a piece of long paper and slowly rip it. Ask "What sound did you hear?" Rip. So the word "rip" sounds just like the action of ripping a paper." Next say "boom" and follow up by dropping a book or flat object from a height. The word boom sounds like the sound made when you drop a book or heavy object from a height. Continue with other words on list.
Do you ever worry about monsters? This
time of year we see commercials for monster costumes or maybe your friends are
talking about dressing up as a scary monster for Halloween. Today, I will tell
you how to get rid of any monsters that might be hiding in your room.
First of all, monsters are just pretend. They are not real, but people have fun scaring
themselves by pretending a monster is out to get them.
Question: Are
monsters real or pretend? Pretend.
Question: Do
monsters live in your closet or under your bed? No. They are not real.
Count the number of monsters on the
display board. (7) Begin story.
As story is read, pause and have a
student come up and select a monster to pull off the display board.
Say seven monsters take away one
monster leaves how many monsters? Count the remaining monsters.
Six monsters take away one monster
leaves how many monsters? Etc.-Five, four, three, two, one, zero.
Now to the part-Monsters please come
back! Zero monsters plus seven monsters equals seven monsters.
Last page. Who do you think the
monsters really were? His toys.
Pair up with: Skeleton hiccups by
Margery Cuyler
The Bumpy Little Pumpkin by Margery
Scarey-Cat , Splat by Rob Scotton
The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid
of Anything by Linda Williams
There Was An Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything
by Linda Williams
Illustrated by Megan Lloyd
First read the story or show this video read aloud.
Now try it again as an interactive experience. This song more fun the longer you sing it.
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