Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Playing in the library

Thing 1 and Thing 2 (how very Suessical!) are almost finished. Avatar problem. No need to shed tears over a cracked egg-just move on.

I am a life long learner and I happily accept responsibility for my own learning. I can't wait to learn new things every day!

Today, I expanded my knowledge base on computer security. I attended a "how to create a spam rule" session after my name was harvested from the Internet and was used to send naughty spam to all the users at my university. I was comforted by the fact that it happens to other users frequently, particularly if your name is readily available on the net. Wow-I am glad I implement my own security measures after hearing so many tales of woe from neglectful computer users.

My weakest habit (of the 71/2 habits) is "view problems as challenges". I like to whine a little when faced with a problem, but at the same time I find myself invigorated by the problem that needs to be solved if it interests me.

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